22 research outputs found

    Text mining of biomedical literature: discovering new knowledge

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    Biomedical literature is increasing day by day. The present scenario shows that the volume of literature regarding “coronavirus” has expanded at a high rate. In this study, text mining technique has been employed to discover something new from the published literature. The main objectives of this study are to show the growth of literature (Jan-Jun, 2020), extract document section, identify latent topics, find the most frequent word, represent the bag of words, and the hierarchical clustering. We have collected 16500 documents from PubMed. This study finds most number of documents (11499) belong to May and June. We explore “betacoronavirus” as the leading document section (3837); “covid” (29890) as the most frequent word in the abstracts; and positive-negative weights of topics. Further, we measure the term frequency (TF) of a document title in the bag of words model. Then we compute a hierarchical clustering of document titles. It reveals that the lowest distance the selected cluster (C133) is 0.30. We also have made a discussion over future prospects and mentioned that this paper can be useful to researchers and library professionals for knowledge management

    A Webometrics Analysis of Social Science Research Institute Websites in India

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore websites of Social Science Research Institute by Webometrics analysis. This study is based on twenty-nine Social Science Research Institute websites which are sponsored by ICSSR. Webometrics is one of the most important aspects in web era. It is basically a quantitative study of web related phenomena and concerned with measuring aspects of web domains, websites, internal and external links, total age of web pages and social share. Further, this paper also focuses on ranking and metrics of websites of the Social Science Research Institute.This study generalizes that Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi), Gujarat Institute of Development Research (Ahmadabad) and Institute of Developing Studies Kolkata are the most popular websites among the Social Science Research Institutes in India

    Application of Innovative Services in Public Libraries: A Conceptual Prospect

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    Public libraries play a crucial role for societal progress. The advancement of the new technologies made a great impact on information and library use. In technological era, expectations and demands of users are highly increasing. Public libraries are surviving to connect the users group precisely. Now public Libraries need to rethink about its services which can attract users more effectively. This paper focuses on innovative services which can be applied in public libraries. Innovative services are continuous process and changing aspect in library operation. Access to computers & internet, use of e-resources, IT training, extension programs, family health, marketing of library activities, e-governance etc are the major factors which may enhance a platform for better library services

    Discovering Topics from the Titles of the Indian LIS Theses

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    A lot of text data is being generated on the web in the form of scholarly articles, doctoral thesis, social media, library databases, and data archives. They are easy to use but complicated to process for research works. That is exactly why text mining is required and topic modeling is one of the most important techniques involved in text mining. In this paper, an attempt has been made to discover topics from the thesis titles (uploaded theses) in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). For this work, the text data (n=2132) has been obtained from the Shodhganga. Then, topic modeling through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) has been applied. After employing preliminary investigation, the findings show: State universities of India have the highest contribution of the thesis (78.06%); most theses (106) belong to Karnatak University, and 60.83% of thesis falls under the period 2011-2020. The main results of this paper are (a) The keyword “library” (0.204) has the highest score regarding 10 topics and “Library use” can be inferred as the major topic; (b) the keywords “information”, “technology”, “communication”, “survey”, “comparative”, “plant”, “scientist”, “city”, “support”, and “small” were discussed over 266 titles; and (c) “study”, “university libraries”, and “information-seeking behaviour’ are the most frequent n-grams appeared in the titles. This work can be taken towards future research for more improvement and new applications

    Citation Analysis of Scholarly Publications on Indigenous Knowledge

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    The study focus on citation analysis of scholarly publications on Indigenous Knowledge during 2015-2019. Different parameters such as most productive journals, author impact, ranking of cited journals, non-journals, authors, and documents, reference spectroscopy, the shared coupling of articles; and co-citation of cited-authors have been used for the analysis. The scholarly citation data (n=2000) were collected from the Web of Science database and analyzed using bibliometrics software. The findings reveal that the “Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine” is the most productive journal. B. Held is identified as a most impactful author. The highly cited journal and non-journal are “Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge” and “Decolonizing Methodologies” and the highest shared coupling strength of two articles is 70. Co-citation network is visualized to establish the relationship of cited-authors

    Status of Library Services of Selected Universities in North Bengal: An Evaluative Study

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    University libraries have a significant role in the teaching, learning and research process by providing equitable access to information and services. The advent of Information and Communication tools and digital technologies have brought tremendous changes in library collection, activities and services of higher education institutions. Authors have selected the central libraries of three Universities in North Bengal viz, University of North Bengal, University of Gour Banga and Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya to compare them on different aspects to know the impact of technology on library services and extension activities

    Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting

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    Kredit merupakan suatu fasilitas keuangan yang memungkinkan seseorang atau badan usaha untuk meminjam uang untuk membeli produk dan membayarnya kembali dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan. PT.Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) KCP Serang merupakan memiliki beberapa kegiatan perusahanan salah satunya adalah Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR). Dalam  proses pengajuan KPR, pihak Bank mengalami kesulitan menentukan calon nasabah yang berhak menerima KPR dan proses pengajuan KPR yang dilakukan oleh calon nasabah membutuhkan proses dan waktu yang cukup lama. Dari hal tersebut dibutuhkan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan pemberian KPR di Bank BTN KCP Serang. Sistem pendukung keputusan adalah sistem yang dapat membantu seseorang dalam mengambil keputusan yang akurat dan tepat sasaran. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam SPK adalah simple additive weighting (SAW). SAW merupakan metode yang paling banyak digunakan dalam memecahkan permasalahan, seperti dalam SPK penentuan kelayakan nasabah penerima KPR. Metode SAW pemberian KPR memiliki beberapa kriteria yang menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan antara lain character, capacity, capital, collateral dan condition. Hasil penelitian ini adalah membuat aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan pemberian KPR untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam pengambilan keputusan pemberian KPR

    Matter induced charge symmetry breaking and pion form factor in nuclear medium

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    Medium modification of pion form factor has been evaluated in asymmetric nuclear matter. It is shown that both the shape and the pole position of the pion form factor in dense asymmetric nuclear matter is different from its vacuum counterpart with ρ\rho-ω\omega mixing. This is due to the density and asymmetry dependent ρ\rho-ω\omega mixing which could even dominate over its vacuum counterpart in matter. Effect of the in-medium pion factor on experimental observables {\it e.g.}, invariant mass distribution of lepton pairs has been demonstrated.Comment: Final Version to appear in Jour. Phys.

    Electromagnetic Radiation from Hot and Dense Hadronic Matter

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    The modifications of hadronic masses and decay widths at finite temperature and baryon density are investigated using a phenomenological model of hadronic interactions in the Relativistic Hartree Approximation. We consider an exhaustive set of hadronic reactions and vector meson decays to estimate the photon emission from hot and dense hadronic matter. The reduction in the vector meson masses and decay widths is seen to cause an enhancement in the photon production. It is observed that the effect of ρ\rho-decay width on photon spectra is negligible. The effects on dilepton production from pion annihilation are also indicated.Comment: To appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Photons from Hadronic Matter at Finite Temperature

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    Temperature dependence of hadronic decay widths and masses are studied within the framework of an effective Lagrangian approach. At finite temperature the hadronic masses do not seem to follow a universal scaling law. Considering an exhaustive set of hadronic reactions and vector meson decays we have estimated the photon spectrum emitted from hot hadronic matter taking into account medium effects through thermal loop corrections on the hadronic decay widths and masses. An enhancement in photon emission rate is obtained when we use the in-medium masses of vector mesons in our calculations. It is observed that the effect of ρ\rho decay width on the photon spectra is negligible.Comment: changed content, added references and figures.(30 pages, Figures included). To appear in Nuclear Physics